We are making changes to the website and are dropping the R.O.C.K. from the name. We are no longer
a R.O.C.K. chapter. We are still "Gluten Free Kids"
I am a proud American's who believe in and want to protect our freedoms that this great country has
given us. R.O.C.K. has asked us to remove any links that appear to be ads and all the religious content on this site.
Doing so takes away our freedom of speech and my freedom of voicing my beliefs. Also my freedom to express my graditude to
companies that have helped our group out in samples, books, coupons, handouts and publications.
You can read more about this on this page http://glutenfreekids.tripod.com/Supporters.html
As always, this group (Gluten Free Kids) will not discriminate against any religious preference.
This website has moved to a new URL that has removing the "rock" from the address.
I have provide forwarding links to the new site to continue to help others along their gluten free journey.